
Each assignment and project is COMPLETELY different. 

Our prices vary depending on:

  1. Length (words/pages)
  2. Due date
  3. Academic Level (high school, college, university)
  4. Subject & Topic
  5. Amount of research required

Price Ranges:

Every assignment is different, these prices are a GUIDE and are based on double spaced pages with 250 words. References and bibliography are included for FREE.



7+ days

3-6 days

48 hours

24 hours

8 hours

High School

Aprox $20 per page - - - Extra fee for last minute, night before, rush service


Aprox $25 per page - - - Extra fee for last minute, night before, rush service


Must Quote

Ph. D

Must Quote

If you want to talk to us on the phone, email us your phone number. Someone will get in touch ASAP.

Other Types of Assignments :

Online Quizzes: $50-$100
Question & Answer Assignments: $50+
Editing & Proofreading: $40+
Math & Economics Questions: $50+